Superman Font

Superman Font
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Superman is a superhero who appears in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster, and debuted in the comic book Action Comics #1 (cover-dated June 1938 and published April 18, 1938). Superman has been adapted to a number of other media, which includes radio serials, novels, films, television shows, theater, and video games.

Up Up And Away Font is the font used for logo of Superman Font.

Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? Is it a Rocket? No it’s another Super Font from those awfully nice chaps at Comicraft. Faster than a speeding Option 8, Up, Up and Away can see through ‘O’s, jump Capital T in a single bound, and rescue caps dropped from the tallest descenders. There isn’t a more heroic or x-heighting font in our catalog and it’s as wholesome as truth, justice and mom’s apple pie. Brought to you in cut out form in association with our friends at Howtoons!

Be sure to also check out Up Up And Away’s clever sidekick Single Bound!

Comicraft fonts are created BY comic book letterers FOR lettering comic books. Accept no substitutes!

  • Designer:
  • License: You can use this font for personal purpose.

You can purchase full version and commercial license here:

  • Superman Font

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